(Português do Brasil) Atualização em Orthoherpesviridae

  • Time: (Português do Brasil) 26h
  • Start: ---
  • Investment: R$ 997,00 / (Português do Brasil) Total
  • Place: ---
  • Holder Teacher: Fábio Francesconi do Valle
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Medical Law and Medical Expertise

  • Time: 5 months
  • Start: February / 2023
  • Investment: R$ 950,00 / Total
  • Place: ---
  • Holder Teacher: Carlos Alberto Araújo Chagas
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Nursing in assistance to the anesthesiologist

  • Time: 5 months
  • Start: ---
  • Investment: R$ 698,99 / (Português do Brasil) Total
  • Place: House Of Portugal
  • Holder Teacher: Rômulo Luiz Machado Velho Gonçalves
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(Português do Brasil) Novas Perspectivas na Cirurgia da Mama

  • Time: ---
  • Start: October / 2023
  • Investment: ---
  • Place: Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital
  • Holder Teacher: Ricardo Cavalcanti Ribeiro
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Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

  • Time: 2 days
  • Start: ---
  • Investment: ---
  • Place: (Português do Brasil) Instituto Carlos Chagas
  • Holder Teacher: Renata M. Begni Afonso
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Ultrassonografia Aplicada às Patologias Dermatológicas e à Cosmiatria

  • Time: ---
  • Start: August / 2023
  • Investment: ---
  • Place: ---
  • Holder Teacher: Juliana Paulos de Rezende
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