General Hospital Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro

Inaugurated in 1852, where the wards and services of the General Hospital are currently located. Each ward and each Service has a Head, appointed by the Ombudsman of the Irmandade Santa Casa da Misericórdia. D. João created, in 1808, the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, then named School of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery, and installed in the Military Hospital of Morro do Castelo. In 1856, the Faculty was transferred to the building for the Recolhe das Orfãs, next to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia. In 1978, the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (HUCFF) was inaugurated, when the entire medical structure of the then Federal University of Rio de Janeiro was transferred to Santa Casa. Some important professors kept their wards in the Santa Casa. In the 20’s, the faculties of Medicine of Souza Marques and Gama Filho began to use the General Hospital as a training center for their students. The place has come alive again with students, doctors and patients roaming its premises.