Ronaldo Gazolla Municipal Hospital

With a rearguard profile, it assists in the oxygenation of the entire network, freeing hospitalization permits for emergency and emergency units of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. It provides 269 beds, divided into 124 medical clinics, 18 CTIs, 10 Intermediary Units, 15 Mental Health, 20 surgical clinics, 20 ICUs and Neonatal UIs, 62 maternity hospitals. Turned to elective surgeries, outpatient care in specialties and hospitalization of patients with various pathologies. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was adapted and the number of cases expanded, dedicated exclusively to patients with serious illnesses. With the reduction of two contagion rates, the Municipal Secretary of Health began to demobilize part of two laws dedicated to doença. He resumed care by specialties, converting 100 (48 from ICU and 52 from nursing) to two 420 patients for care of other pathologies and returning to performing elective surgeries, such as hernia, thyroid and gallbladder.