Mário Fernando Rodrigues Junior

Mário Fernando Rodrigues Junior

Graduated in Business Administration from Faculdade de Minas – FAMINAS-MG; Muriaé-MG; post-graduation in Distance Education, by SENAC, Rio de Janeiro-RJ (2009); Master in Environment and Sustainability, by the University Center of Caratinga – UNEC -, Caratinga-MG, with research in Corporate Environmental Management (2011). He was Extension Coordinator, Coordinator of Postgraduate Courses “Lato Sensu” and Professor at Faculdade de Minas – FAMINAS-MG, Muriaé-MG from 2006 to 2014. Currently, he is partner-owner of UNIDOCKTOR – Docktor Academic Union of Education and Cultura Ltda., sponsor of Faculdade Docktor – FADOCKTOR, from Muriaé-MG; belongs to the faculty of the Centro Universitário de Caratinga – UNEC – in Caratinga-MG, where he acts as Administrative Coordinator of the Health Sciences Institute of UNEC – INCISA-UNEC; and participates as a collaborating professor at the Faculty of Viçosa – FDV – Viçosa-MG, where he works in the areas of didactic-administrative organization and research.


Superior Course of Technology in Hospital Management

  • Time: 3 years
  • Start: February / 2024
  • Investment: R$ 450,00 / (Português do Brasil) Mensal
  • Place: (Português do Brasil) Instituto Carlos Chagas
  • Holder Teacher: Mário Fernando Rodrigues Junior
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